Prinoth Forestry Shredder For Power Take-Off Vehicles M700



Working width

2.300 / 2.500 mm

Flow volume


For transport vehicles in the power range from 240 to 550 hp for CAT II or CAT III three-point anchorage.

The M700 is the professional solution for gentle cleaning and conditioning of large areas with various types of vegetation. This universal device is ideal for clearing and marking out in the forestry sector, as well as reclaiming plantations of all types and converting fields into arable land.

The process is carried out in two stages. First, the vegetation, both vertical and horizontal, is pre-shredded in a pushing movement. In the next step — a dragging movement — the organic material is crushed to an adjustable fineness and incorporated into the soil surface.

Prinoth Forestry Shredder For Power Take-Off Vehicles M700