Code of Ethics and Compliance

Ethical and Legal Commitment

The values of the TESYA Group that we carry in our DNA have at their core a sincere commitment to principles of ethical, responsible business behaviour, as well as respect for the laws of the territories and communities in which we operate.

These ethical principles and the conduct they inspire are set out in our Code of Ethics, which is available here.

See Code of Ethics

Our Mission and Ethical Principles

The principles that guide our behaviours, conduct and business relationships, at all levels, that characterise the way we act and that our code defines are:

Respect for Legality






Protecting the environment

Ensuring Health and Safety

Our Rules of Conduct

Our ethical principles inspire our conduct and behaviour in our relations of all kinds with our employees and partners, customers, suppliers, public institutions and officials, the communities to which we belong and our own environment, our partners and internal control bodies and financial institutions. Our Code sets out how we conduct our business.

Misconduct, Whistleblowing Channel and Whistleblower Protection

This link provides you with access to the Whistleblowing Channel of our organisation, so that you can help us to prevent and detect inappropriate conduct that is contrary to the law or our ethical principles.

Under the supervision of Tesya's Supervisory Body in Spain, the electronic complaints channel managed by an independent provider guarantees the confidentiality and protection of the complainant and the reported party under the terms provided for by current legislation.

Audited Annual Accounts

As part of our commitment to transparency and in accordance with legal regulations, you can access our most recent audited Annual Accounts and our annual Sustainability and Diversity Report (EINF).