We are Committed to the World

We are Committed to the World

We are Diverse

As an organisation, we believe that we enhance social welfare by being present in society and promoting actions that focus on diversity.

We Promote Participation Among Our People

Participation of our people individually and collectively promotes social well-being. We promote actions that enhance such participation by bringing together people's collaboration, teamwork and a commitment to making our world a better place.

Why not join in our...

  • Family Photo Contest
  • Christmas Greetings Competitions
  • Step Challenge
  • Food, Toy and School Material Collection Campaigns
  • Blood Donation Campaigns
We Promote Participation Among Our People

We Collaborate with the Communities in which We Operate

Through our Corporate Social Responsibility policy, we collaborate with various organisations through donations to food banks, the Red Cross,  Children's Villages, Caritas, Women for Peace and Hermandad del Refugio, which focus on helping the most vulnerable groups of people in all communities by attending to situations of specific or sustained need over time.

Our participation in society makes everyone who works in our organisation feel proud of the place where they work, and they can actively collaborate with all the actions we carry out.

We Collaborate with the Communities in which We Operate

We Encoruage the Training and Promotion of Young People

Acting in the earliest stages of our children's development, encouraging diversity, the management of emotions and the acquisition of tools and knowledge that will help them in the management of decision-making throughout their lives. And we do this through:

  • Companies that Inspire programme, which aims to enable students to make their first decisions about their future with criteria, to learn about emerging professions, sectors with projection, and to have experiences in real work contexts.
  • Safe Work Environment Practices
  • Berstelman Foundation
  • 4th ESO plus Enterprise
  • StarTech 2+ 1 project in collaboration with Salesians and the German Chamber of Commerce
We Encoruage the Training and Promotion of Young People

Empowering Female Talent

We promote, raise awareness and raise the profile of the role of women in industry, a sector that is still predominantly male.

Every year, on the occasion of International Women's Day, we organise a Round Table on women in industry, inviting different women to participate in order to highlight the work carried out by each of them in their organisations and in society.

In addition, our Equality Plan outlines a set of actions that promote equal opportunities between men and women, avoiding inequalities and ensuring that each person is valued for their ability and not their gender.

Empowering Female Talent