We Set the Course

We Set the Course

We Inspire

We empower the growth of our people, our business and our community by putting people at the centre, offering innovative solutions, being entrepreneurial and inspiring others through new leadership that is courageous, authentic, inclusive, approachable and cross-cutting.

People are the heart of the company and all the actions we promote are aimed at creating an environment where each of them feel supported and valued.

We Are Transparent

We are aligned with the Business Strategy, we share our Objectives in a transparent way and we offer the opportunity to Communicate in a bidirectional way, giving a voice to each of our People and making them feel Protagonists of their future.

We Are Transparent

We Lead by Example

Our leadership model is the lever for continuous transformation and the development of our people's talent. It is a model built by and for people, inspired by our values, and in line with our growth direction.

Its 4 anchor points are:

  • “I lead by taking care of the people in my team”
  • “I lead based on mutual trust”
  • “I am a leader and a driver of change”
  • “I lead in order to grow”
We Lead by Example

We Communicate

Creating new spaces for communication has become one of the main axes of our company over the years.

In addition to our internal online communication platform, CONECTA, where we share all the daily business and personal updates with everyone in the company, everyone can participate in the programmes hosted by our Finanzauto Radio Club — this is a two-way communication medium where everybody can have a say and make their views count.

We Communicate