992 Wheel Loader



Net Power

607 kW

Operating Weight

105882 kg

Bucket Capacities

11.5-24.5 m³ (15-32 yd³)


The Cat® 992 Large Wheel Loader has set the standard in its size class for more than 50 years, delivering industry-leading productivity, unparalleled reliability and long life. Today\u2019s 992 raises the bar. Compared to the 992K, the new 992 is up to 48% more efficient and 32% more productive, thanks to higher payload for improved pass match, increases in rimpull and breakout force, and an optimized linkage design. Extended component replacement intervals plus increased filter and turbo life help reduce maintenance costs. These improvements \u2014 and many more \u2014 combine to provide significant savings over the life of the machine for the lowest owning and operating costs in the industry. With both standard and high-lift configurations, the 992 offers the ideal pass match for fleets of Cat 775, 777 and 785 trucks.

Up to 32% More Productive

Thanks to higher rated payload, 9.5% more rimpull and 20% more breakout force

Up to 48% More Efficient

Increased productivity with zero increase in fuel burn

10% Reduction in Maintenance Costs

With 20% increase in component life, tire slip prevention and automatic retarding controls

992 Wheel Loader